What standards? Update on the Auslan translation project

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Stephanie and Gabrielle returned safely home after a long trip to Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Sydney and back to Melbourne. They hosted two focus groups in each city: one focus group for deaf consumers of Auslan translations available online and one focus group for deaf and hearing Auslan translation practitioners. A whopping twenty hours of film … Read more

Do you want to see improved Auslan translations online? Do you have experience creating Auslan translations for online? We are calling for participants in a research project which aims to create national standards for English to Auslan translations that are made available online, as well as guidelines for translation production. The project has received funding … Read more

deafConnectEd (formerly the Centre of Excellence) was delighted to be awarded a grant from the Australian Consumer Communications Action Network (ACCAN) to develop national standards and guidelines to provide a benchmark for practitioners of English to Auslan translations that are being placed on websites across Australia. The funds were awarded to us as leaders of … Read more

The Centre for Excellence for Students who are Deaf and Hard of hearing recently celebrated its 20th anniversary and launch of a new name and logo. Established in 1993, the Centre of Excellence (now renamed ‘deafConnectED – Partners in Learning Success’) was originally responsible for providing educational programs for students who are deaf or hard … Read more