University of Melbourne research into the support needs of learners who Deaf, Deafblind and hard of hearing

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In late 2023, deafConnectEd and Deaf Victoria supported a funding application by the University of Melbourne for research looking at how we can improve support services for learners who are Deaf, Deafblind or hard of hearing and transitioning to TAFE. The first stage of this project is now starting, with a call for TAFE students … Read more

In 2024 we will continue to support learners, teachers and support staff working with learners who are Deaf or hard of hearing. We will also announce more information soon about two exciting new projects that we will be supporting in 2024: A pilot Auslan and English skills course for Deaf migrants which will be delivered … Read more

a screen-shot from the Skills and Jobs Centres information video. One woman is chatting with another woman in Auslan. She is making the sign for 'interpreter'.

Access career guidance and study advice at Skills and Jobs Centres Are you thinking about work or further study? Skills and Jobs Centres can help you with advice and support to find that job or choose your study pathway. deafConnectEd have been working with the Skills and Jobs Centre Network over the last year to … Read more

VET Development Centre logo

Lauren Fox delivered an outstanding Deafness Awareness webinar for deafConnectEd in July through the VET Development Centre’s professional learning program. The session was attended by a staggering 295 participants. Feedback about the session was also incredibly positive, with 99% of participants rating the session as ‘good’ or ‘excellent’, commenting on how clear and well-organised Lauren’s … Read more

Our popular short courses for people interested in working as a notetaker for students who are Deaf, Deafblind or hard of hearing are now available from the VET Development Centre through their Professional Learning on-Demand pages. This is a free resource. The two modules were developed for anyone interested in or already working as a … Read more

In 2022, deafConnectEd developed two new videos to raise awareness about literacy and study skills because we know many learners are concerned about their English skills. We plan to do more work on this topic in 2023.

Earlier this year, deafConnectEd supported Melbourne Polytechnic with promotion and enrolment for another Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAE40116) specifically for Auslan users, with the aim of growing our Auslan teaching workforce. The course started in July with 13 learners who are now more than halfway through their studies. The course is delivered entirely … Read more

These interactive PDFs will help you organise the supports you need for study with your Disability Liaison Officer (DLO). You can select options on the form and email it to the DLO before you meet them. The video below has more information. View and download the Access Your Education card for your DLO View and … Read more

Screen grab showing how to select the Dictionary option from the Signbank menu on the Auslan Signbank homepage

Have you ever wondered about how signs are organised in Signbank? Or what the difference between a variant and variation might be? Or how to best search for a sign in Signbank?  Click on the following image to see a video by James with some useful information about the Auslan online dictionary: More videos and … Read more

Aspex Consulting are inviting students to contribute to a review of Auslan interpreting services in TAFE. Closes June 12th. Complete the survey in English here. Contact Olivia Fey at Aspex Consulting if you would like to complete the survey in Auslan, they will arrange an interpreter.   [English transcript] Expression Australia, Melbourne Polytechnic and the Victorian … Read more