‘What Standards?’ Website translation standards and guidelines project.

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deafConnectEd (formerly the Centre of Excellence) was delighted to be awarded a grant from the Australian Consumer Communications Action Network (ACCAN) to develop national standards and guidelines to provide a benchmark for practitioners of English to Auslan translations that are being placed on websites across Australia. The funds were awarded to us as leaders of … Read more

NMIT (Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE) has signed a new contract for the delivery of Auslan training. This new training initiative, announced yesterday by the Minister for Higher Education and Skills, Peter Hall, will be a key strategy towards addressing the critical shortage of Auslan interpreters in Victoria. Read the media release.

The Centre for Excellence for Students who are Deaf and Hard of hearing recently celebrated its 20th anniversary and launch of a new name and logo. Established in 1993, the Centre of Excellence (now renamed ‘deafConnectED – Partners in Learning Success’) was originally responsible for providing educational programs for students who are deaf or hard … Read more