Deaf Australia Online I (1999) and II (2001)

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Funded by the Commonwealth Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts (DCITA), this project examined the barriers faced by deaf and hard of hearing people in accessing commonplace technologies. The second phase conducted trials of a number of online technologies; investigated awareness raising and skill development for the use of these technologies and engaged … Read more

Funded by Skills Victoria, the research project examined aspects of accessibility for deaf and hard of hearing students to the TAFE sector including:

This National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) funded project evaluated pathways for deaf and hard of hearing students from secondary education into tertiary education and/or employment, providing a snapshot of the barriers faced. This report can be downloaded from the NCVER website.

The Victorian Deaf Education Institute commissioned the Centre to undertake a study to examine the outcomes achieved, and pathways chosen by deaf students upon leaving school; the factors that influence those choices; and the interventions required to improve outcomes.

Following a successful pilot project in 2015 with automotive signs, deafConnectEd has continued to receive grants from the Victorian Government to research additional entries to Signbank, focusing on disciplines that are of high demand for deaf students in the VET sector. This has included language relating to hospitality, language, literacy and grammar, workplace health and … Read more

Conducted in partnership with Grant Thornton Australia, the project report highlights the lower take up of Auslan courses in recent years, and that the limited number of training providers offering the course means it is not best suited to delivery through the Victorian Training Guarantee. A summary of the report, including recommendations, and the literature … Read more

deafConnectEd was delighted to be awarded a grant from the Australian Consumer Communications Action Network (ACCAN) to develop national standards and guidelines to provide a benchmark for practitioners of English to Auslan translations which are being placed on websites across Australia. The funds were awarded to us as leaders of a consortium including Macquarie University, … Read more